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New specialist lending product clinics launched

In an effort to strengthen our support for brokers, we've launched a series of specialist lending product clinics. These clinics are purposefully designed to assist brokers in enhancing their knowledge and gaining a better understanding of their most challenging cases.

In response to the success of our 'Mastering Specialist Lending' group training sessions, we identified a demand for a more targeted approach, leading to the creation of these interactive clinics that concentrate on individual financial products.

Steve Nobbs, our Unregulated Mortgages Director commented, “We firmly believe in placing education at the forefront of the industry. Numerous brokers have approached us with cases that pose challenges due to a lack of understanding and familiarity. Consequently, we wanted to provide them with a platform to enhance their knowledge, and ultimately enable them to better support their clients."

Nobbs continued, “To date, we have successfully conducted several clinics focusing on bridging loans and second charge mortgages, with additional sessions covering our broader range of products set to launch in December.”

The feedback for both the product clinics and the Mastering Specialist Lending sessions has been exceptionally positive. The enthusiasm and satisfaction expressed by brokers further confirm our belief that education and empowerment play a vital role in navigating the specialist lending space.

These training sessions are not isolated initiatives but are deeply rooted in our commitment to adding value to brokers and providing unwavering support.

Keep an eye on our training and events page to see what sessions we have coming up. 

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