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Quarter 3 2023: Our latest updates

Quarter 3 was an exciting few months for us, with lots of new opportunities and developments. Here are some of our highlights from the quarter.

Mastering Specialist Lending - Our experts share their knowledge

After a successful series of one-to-one training sessions over Zoom, we decided to expand our offering to our partners and any brokers looking to learn more about the industry.

September saw the commencement of an exciting new offering from our department heads. Steve Nobbs and Paul Zammit have been busy with the first of our ‘Mastering Specialist Lending’ training sessions, where they’ve been sharing their invaluable insights with other brokers looking to expand their expertise.

The first few training sessions have been a success, with 60 brokers booking onto one of our first days.

Paul commented, "It’s been a pleasure getting to talk about specialist lending with so many enthusiastic brokers. We’ve been talking to loads of new faces, hopefully imparting some of our years of industry knowledge on them."


We were delighted to have been highly commended at the Bridging and Commercial Awards for the Specialist Buy to Let Broker of the Year Award. This goes to show the hard work and dedicated service our advisors provide every day.

We are eagerly anticipating the Personal Finance Awards 2023/24, which will be announced at the end of November. We have received nominations in two categories:

Partner Updates

In July, we added Tuscan Capital to our lender panel. We now have complete access to Tuscan’s bridging products for our intermediaries and clients. To read more about this, check out our press release on Tuscan being added to our panel.

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