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Quarter 4 TLE company updates 2023

As we look forward to the New Year, and the exciting opportunities we have on the horizon, we’d like to share some of our achievements from Q4 2023.

Mastering specialist lending, marketing training sessions & specialist clinics

Our experts have been continuing the ‘mastering specialist lending’ training sessions. These have been hugely popular, with many of our intermediaries joining us to improve their knowledge of the market.

Plus, in Q4 we have been offering specialist clinics, which have covered all aspects of specialist lending. These sessions were more intimate, with brokers being able to ask specific questions or bring their cases to our experts.

Finally, over the past few months, we trialled our new marketing training sessions. Led by our Marketing Manager, Eleanor Glen, these sessions focused on helping attendees increase their lead generation through a number of marketing strategies. These sessions covered a range of marketing techniques, including social media, email, referrals, SEO, and direct mail.

We hope that people who have joined us so far have enjoyed their sessions, and are able to use their new-found knowledge to generate more business.

In 2024, we have plans to continue expanding our offering of training sessions. Keep an eye on our social media for new session announcements, or have a look at our booking page to see what’s available.

Lender updates

In Q4, we teamed up with four fantastic new lenders. We are now working with Octopus Real Estate, Glenhawk, Greenfield Mortgages and ABC.

These additions mean that we have complete access to their full range of bridging products for our intermediaries and clients. These new additions support our commitment to delivering a wide range of high-quality bridging services.

In the coming months, we will continue to expand our services, with the objective of enhancing our proposition for intermediaries and customers in 2024 and beyond.

Read more about this collaboration.

Steve Nobbs becomes Unregulated Mortgages Director

Steve Nobbs was promoted from Head of Unregulated Mortgage Broking to Unregulated Mortgages Director.

Steve, who has been a dedicated professional in the finance industry for the past twenty years, has worked for us for five of these. His commitment and exceptional contributions have proven him to be well-deserving of this promotion.

In this new role, Steve will take on more responsibilities and has joined the TLE board. With his wealth of experience and industry expertise, Steve is expected to play a crucial role in advancing our company objectives.

Read the full statement about Steve's promotion to director here.

Social for Brokers Podcast

In November, we had the brilliant opportunity to be featured on the Social for Brokers Podcast.

Steve and Eleanor joined Chris Targett to speak about the world of specialist lending and how marketing can benefit brokers.

Social for Brokers focusses on helping mortgage brokers and estate agents create and manage their social media channels. This helps professionals in these areas all over the UK grow their brands and improve business.

Listen to our episode on:


At the beginning of December, we were very pleased to be highly commended in the Personal Finance Awards 2023/24.  We were honoured to be recognised in the following categories:


In November, we wrapped up a busy year of conferences and events with the TMA Club Annual Conference and the HLP National Conference & Awards.

Paul Zammit and Lorraine Warlow CeMAP, CeRER represented us at the HLP Conference, where the theme was ‘Powering Growth.’ We were pleased to engage with many fellow brokers and make some meaningful connections.

Paul also represented us at the TMA Conference in Birmingham, where he spoke to many like-minded industry experts.

In 2024, we will be sure to attend many more events, so keep an eye out on our socials for updates.

We can’t wait to see what 2024 holds. To refer a case to us, call: 0800 032 9595. 

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